Weight Loss and Fertility – Should you lose weight and how?

Jan 4, 2021

In this episode of Food, Freedom, Fertility; registered dietitians, Sophia Pavia and Caitlin Johnson expand the topic of weight loss for fertility to dive deeper into the nutritional balance required from both partners in order to see success in fertility.  In women, it’s important to not only address if there is a need for weight loss or gain and its relation to hormones but to also outline the nutritional needs your body requires. On one side of the spectrum, women may be dealing with dietary restraints brought upon by too much exercise and not enough nutritional reinforcement.  On the other side, overweight women may see excess in insulin levels leading to an increase in a number of different things that rise Androgens, DHEA, or Testosterone which can stall ovulation or lower egg quality. This episode will expand upon the notion of weight loss by discussing the topics of positive detoxing, blood sugar levels, popular diet plans, the role of sleep, all in an effort to identify ways in which women can build a better nutrition plan for themselves leading to a healthier lifestyle and successful fertility.

While debunking the inclination of rapid weight loss, Sophia & Caitlin also discuss the difference between supporting the body’s detoxing systems and simply detoxing the body with the newest trends in nutrient-deprived cleanses. Studies show rapid weight loss mobilizes a lot of toxic components stored in your fat cells and can actually release these toxins into your reproductive system when it’s dealing with lower calorie intake and harsher nutrition deficiency during a cleanse. Sophia & Caitlin continue to explain how your body’s awareness catches on that its being filled with less than ideal toxins and may withhold your eggs ability to become fertilized.  That is why Sophia & Caitlin take the time to outline ways of supporting the body’s detoxing systems including monitoring your bowel movements and providing your body with a recommended amount of fiber and other key nutrients. 

Blood sugar balance is also a factor when gauging the need for weight loss in order to achieve fertility.  Both dietitians discuss filling your plates with colorful vegetables; define the right carbs, proteins and fiber sources; while also diving into the positive and negative sides of diet trends such as Keto and intermittent fasting. In discussing these diet plans, Sophia & Caitlin make sure to outline the rewarding aspects of these routines so listeners can gather the facts and make the best decision for their body.  

Fertility isn’t just on the women’s side of nutrition. This episode also discusses excess weight in men and its affects on men’s testosterone and estrogen levels. It takes two, and often even more help from professionals and love ones when aiming for successful fertility.  Conducting the tests and evaluating what’s right for your body boils down to nutrients and the study of your own bodily functions in order to guarantee success at starting or continuing a family.

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